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Important Info for Clients

Licensing Information

HTL Group Ltd (FSP697011, trading as The HTL Group) holds a license issued by the Financial Markets Authority to provide Financial advice. Our Financial Advisers are all registered on the Financial Service Provider Register and are fully qualified.

Nature & Scope of Advice

The HTL Group provides advice to our clients about their investments, life insurance, fire and general insurance and health insurance.


Our investment advisers provide financial advice in relation to KiwiSaver, Managed Funds, direct equities, bonds and term deposits.

We only provide financial advice about products from certain providers. For KiwiSaver we work with Milford Asset Management, Booster, ANZ, AMP, Fisher Funds, NZ Funds and Generate. For investment products other than KiwiSaver, we provide advice on a wide range of Managed Investment products, equities and government and corporate bonds.

Life & Health Insurance

Our insurance advisers provide financial advice about products from certain providers. For Life Insurance we work with Fidelity, AIA, Resolution Life (formerly AMP), Asteron, Partners Life & Cigna. For Health Insurance we work with Southern Cross, NIB, Accuro, AIA & UniMed.

Fire & General Insurance

We provide General Insurance advice on a wide range of products and providers. To learn more about who we work with, please click here. These providers include Vero, AMP, NZI, Ando, Delta, Dual, Chubb and many more.

We have a relationship with Elantis to provide a premium funding option to our clients who wish to pay their fire & general insurance in installments. To learn more about Elantis Premium Funding, click here.

Fees & Expenses for Financial Advice

Investment Advice: There is no fee for seeking investment advice. HTL Group only charge fees for the provision of ongoing investment management and subsequent financial advice services.

Insurance Advice: HTL Group receives a payment from the insurance provider as a percentage of your premium. If you have complex insurance requirements, HTL Group may also charge a fee for analysing your needs and producing a plan for you. However any fees to be charged will be after discussion and agreement with you.

Conflicts of Interest & Incentives

For life, health, and fire & general insurance, The HTL Group receive commissions from the insurance companies on whose policies we give advice. If you decide to take out insurance, the insurer will pay a commission to The HTL Group. The amount of the commission is based on the amount of the premium. A portion of this may be passed on to your adviser.

Where a premium funding service is provided, The HTL Group receive a percentage of the premium funding.

For investments, The HTL Group receive a portfolio servicing fee and/or a trail commission from the investment providers on whose policies we give advice.

The HTL Group may receive payments from product suppliers for the amount of business placed with them.

The HTL Group advisers may from time to time receive additional non-monetary benefits from product suppliers such as subsidised professional development and training, conferences, special functions, entertainment, and merchandise. These rewards vary from entity to entity and from time to time. It is at the discretion of The HTL Group whether non-monetary rewards are accepted for our team.

To ensure that our financial advisers prioritise the client’s interests above their own, we follow an advice process that ensures our recommendations are made on the basis of the client’s goals and circumstances. All our financial advisers undergo annual training about how to manage conflicts of interest.