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Claim information to help you on your way

If your claim is for life, health, income protection, trauma or total & permanent disablement, please email us at or contact your provider directly. Contact information for providers can be found below.

Windscreen claim? Try our online booking tool through Smith & Smith!

Helpful information for the common claim.

Motor Vehicle claim:

It's best to get a quote from your preferred repairer and email through to 

Once our claims team have received this, they will keep you updated during the next step and process.

If you don't have a preferred repairer below is a link you can click on for a list AMP’s/Vero’s approved repairers if you wish to use one of them:

Lost ring/earring:

You will need to report the loss to the Police and you can do that online here.

You will need to provide proof of ownership (sales receipt or similar, or copy of a valuation)

You will need to provide a quote to replace the lost item (the policy will not replace or settle for a set where one of a pair or a set is lost or damaged)

 Link to Police is given when lost items or burglary/theft.


Laptop damage:

Proformac Technologies have assisted some of our clients to do damage reports on laptops in the past. Their link below:

Proformac Technologies | computer repair | 127 Gill Street, New Plymouth Central, New Plymouth, New Zealand

Water Damage:

To help support the claim, please supply the following to

  • Photos of the damage
  • A damage report from the plumber confirming the source of the leak and quote for repairs from a builder (please be aware, if this is an accepted claim then the plumber costs do not form part of a claim settlement, but remediation of the resultant damages does). 

General Insurance providers.

AMP – 0508 806 244

Vero – 0800 800 134

Vero Marine - 0508 856 856

Ando - 0800 567 333

NZI – 0800 227 6537

Delta - 0800 513 377

QBE – 0800 723 252

Star – 0800 250 600

Classic Cover – 0800 456 254

Travel / Health insurance providers.

Allianz Travel – 0800 553 550

Southern Cross - 0800 800 181

NIB - 0800 123 642

AIA - 0800 500 108

Accuro - 0800 222 876

Unimed - 0800 600 666

Life/Risk Insurance Providers.

Asteron - 0800 737 101

AIA - 0800 500 108

Resolution life - 0800 808 267

Partners Life - 0800 145 433

Chubb - 0508 464 999

Fidelity - 0800 882 288